Sunday, May 13, 2007

Back Home

I am back home! I was pretty tired when I rolled in early friday morning. Had a great trip with friends and was so encouraged seeing all that God is doing in the church and through the missionaries in Chernigiv. Chris and Reenie were great having us in their home for a few weeks- Thanks Girls! We were so blessed by their love and hospitality to us. Greatful for the trip and to the Lord for our time there. Thank you to all of you who gave us such a great glimpse into the lives in the Ukraine. Enjoy the pics, there are so many, here are just a few.


Anonymous said...

Schlenk~ So glad you had an awesome time and that you're back safe. You took some great pics- it's fun to see Chris. Miss you. Love you.

Jenny Schlenker said...

Miss you too K! Hope that you are doing well. Give your boys a hug for me :)

Jenn said...

I cannot wait for you to come to SLO and meet London. Hurry up before he starts walking!

Coalwell Family said...

Enjoyed reading about your jealous! I would love to come back to colorado and see all the aspen...this time im flying!

We are the Ganyos.... said...

So fun to see your pics Jen! You should go to and make a cool slideshow of more of them and post it. Thanks for email and blog comments. I would write more but its 12:45 am our alarm (Halle yelling "mama!") goes off at 6:30 am sharp. I gotta figure out how to do this at a more reasonable time....wish me luck! Love you.