Saturday, April 28, 2007

Waiting In Denver...

This is a pretty cheezy shot of the small little mountain plane I took out of the Eagle/Vail airport this morning. My friend, Carol took me to the airport this morning. It was a beautiful spring morning in Colorado. Carol waited outside the aiport to see if my bag was over weight and sure enough it was. I had to reconfigure and pull some stuff out. I thought that for international flights it was 75lbs, but it was 50lbs- that or the altitude got into their heads. Carol knew what she was doing. I am so thankful for her friendship, she is gold nugget! Thanks for everything Carol! I board the plane in a hour and a half, so I got my favorite latte in Denver- A vanilla latte from the Seattle's Best Coffe Shop. I have flown in and out of here several times and everytime that is a stop for me.

Do you ever wonder who you will end up sitting with on the airplane? I wonder if I wil have a empty seat to curl up in or if I will end up in some interesting conversations. I am always up for a good conversation- a nice espresso induced mind is always good. I fly into Munich, Germany and will land in the morning. Looking forward to diving into some good books on my flight- A.W. Tozer is on the list, it has been a while since we have talked.

I think I might go do some lunges in the airport before I leave- yes I will be that girl- doing lunges in the airport. See you soon Chris!

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