Thursday, August 23, 2007


I yearn to know God more. To really be a friend of God, to really hang out with him, to know him, sense his presense and be a piece of his Glory here on earth. More than anything lately, I just want to be called his friend, to know how to really press in a spend time with the creator of my life. I know that God created a intrinsicly personal earth so that we may know him more. There has been times over this last year where I have felt left or alone and I know the truth and that those are really lame crappy thoughts that have no room in the beautiful kingdom of God. I know and really believe that God is personally and specifically involved in my life.

I love that we are called friends of God. It makes our relationship with God so personal. He fills our thoughts with thoughts that bear fruitfullness in our lives and in the lives around us. God gives us fellowship with one another so that we may bring life to the world. Fellowship always gives life. Have you every noticed when you are around people who really have genuine fellowship, it brings life and spurs you on? Not just talking about stuff, but really having something genunie in your conversations. I pray that day to day our fellowship with the Father would bear fruit in our lives, that we would be able to encourage those around us and really bring life to the the world around us. I don't want to be stuck on lame, selfish things. I want the Joy of the Lord to change me an bring life to people.


Anonymous said...

yes. to god. to life. to fruitfulness. to his kingdom.

Turner Family said...

I miss being in your presence and chatting about our Wonderful Dad. Thanks for your sweet comments. Please tell Mandy Congrats for me. Love you sister.