Sorry for the absence in the blog world… I am back on it! So a little life update for you all. The mountain has officially closed, so things naturally slow down, the sunshine is out so we pray for lots of snow melting so the summer can begin! I am grateful for sunshine and long runs after work right now, until the next spring storm. The last month has been great. I was in Texas with Jonathan, Mandy and Eli for Easter and had a great time. The wildflowers were beautiful there and we had a sweet time just hanging out and all of us being together. Oh yes, and of course Miss Ava is too much to handle, is talks a ton, she is putting words together and is full of life and laughter.
As far as the next month goes- I move next week – April 29th into a cute yellow house on the bike path. I am so excited for a little more space, a patio to entertain and more space for more people.
April 30th- May 4th I will be in Mexico for a work trip, I know someone has got to do the job. May 4th Jonathan comes into town for a month. He will be there May 4th (will meet me at the airport in Denver) and will be here thru May 31st. Jonathan will be staying with Carol and Doug and some other wonderful people from church.
May 7th - 9th - Wedding festivities for my dear friends Ann & Travis’ wedding in Estes Park, Co.
May 9 or 10th- Jonathan and I will meet up with my friends Steff and John Winder who used to live here and now are on staff with the Navigators at Oregon State- dear friends and precious people- can’t wait to see them.
The rest of the month I will be working, playing hard, and spending time with Jonathan and friends before he leaves to minister in the Middle East for a few months.
May 28th- June 7th I will be in California for a few weddings ( a friend from high school and my cousin Justin’s wedding) & My cousin Nicholas graduates from UCSD Medical School in San Diego. I am looking forward to the first week of June to be with family and friends.
I am looking forward to the next month being full of being with wonderful people.
Oh yeah… did I mention that Jonathan is the boy that I think is pretty great?
I will post pictures & ramblings along this next month......