Friday, June 20, 2008


I swear, I have seen more botox in this valley...... I saw a lady today who did not look far from this..... seriously!


nicole aka gidget said...

okay, that picture is seriously scary.

Eli, Mandy & Ava Stewart said...

sign me up, i think shes hot.

Soderin Family said...


Anonymous said...

um, does anyone else think she looks like a lion? and that's not a compliment.


Soderin Family said...

yep, she does look like a lion, and not in an Aslan way either.

Anonymous said...

i'm thinking that part of the procedure involves the doc secretly insert a little chip in their brain that tells them it looks pretty and to get some more done. that way they will keep coming back, and back, and back. that's really the only explanation for that ridiculousness.