Thursday, October 25, 2007

Long lost triplet....

My friend Melissa Turner sent me a email the other day. She was in the Dr.'s office and was reading a triathlon magazine and came across the above picture. She thought that Mandy or I was in the magazine. She took a picture with her phone, it is a bit blurry- you can see the resemblance, looks like a Schlenker with short hair. I suppose it is the crazy curly blonde mop on her head and the mouth. Thought It was fun for Melissa to pass this along. What do you think?


Soderin Family said...

The hair, the mouth, and the kick'n body. :)

Abby Thomas said...

dude, that's creepy. i think y'all are hotter though.

Anna Ingalls said...

I totally think it looks like mandy. The mouth/jaw is a bit off but the legs and the hair are right on. Who is this impersonator?!!! Maybe you do have a thiriplet out there. Remember people used to think it was Alissa. haha

nicole aka gidget said...

wow! it totally looks like you guys!

Turner Family said...

Just fess's one of you. ;) Love you Shlenk.

Evie said...

I think it had to have been the Lexus she was driving and the California plates that read "thelma."

We are the Ganyos.... said...

What a trip! Good to see some new pics and hear of your recent adventures. I live vicariously through them , ya know. love you.

John & Vickie said...

God only made two special Schlenker girls...but what resemblance. I think of you often and hope all in going well.

John & Vickie said...

God only made two special Schlenker girls. I think of you often and hope all is well with you and your family. Justin is in Canada for two weeks but is missing the snow in Colorado.

Coalwell Family said...