Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Mandy & Eli

For those of you that don't know, My sister and brother in law are expecting a baby in August. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I know these two will make amazing parents. Who know's will it be a boy or a girl?? These are some pics of Mandy just starting to show, she is only 4 months. I can't wait to be a auntie again!

Sunday, February 11, 2007


I spent the weekend with some friends in Beaver Creek skiing. We had a great time, skiing. Lots of laughing, fun, and good talks on the chairlift. Carol is my roomate and (my sister's roomate from college, Renee) came up for the weeekend. It was so fun, I forgot was a blast Renee is to be with and Iam reminded of Mandy's days in Durango playing in the mountains with Ra-nae-nae. It was a great girls day of skiing the mountain. A sweet time with girls playing in a spec of God's masterpiece. Come on out.....

Mom and Sis

This is a picture of my mom and my sister. My Mom took my sister and I to Sedona, AZ last spring... we had an amazing trip together! We had a great time of exploring, hiking, pooling it and of course eating well! My mom has always been so great and intentional about spending quality trip time with my siter and I. This was my most favorite mom and sis trip we have had. It is always good to get mama's out of their kitches and homes to get good quality time.. I reccomend it.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

A World of Blogging Y'all

Welcome to the world of blogging... this is my first blogging experience! I am a Cali girl, spending some time in the Vail Valley... so I thought it is a great way to keep people up on my life and what is happening and all the God is doing in his heart and in the life, vision and purpose he has called us to. So... I have great aspirations of being a good blogger and updating periodically. How do y'all like that..... Speaking of ya' all, My friend and room-mate, Carol is a native Okie... and yes she says y'all and I love it, you peeps in Cali should start saying it... it sure rolls off your tongue a lot easier than " you guys". Carol and I met working with young college and high school girls at a outdoor adventure camp, Kanakuk Colorado! She is an amazing friend and it is sweet loving people and living life alongside her here in the Vail Valley. I love ya all! Who would have thought you start saying ya' all in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado!